Press release
I am very pleased to announce that long- time Assistant District Attorney Kevin T. Finnell is being promoted to the position of First Assistant District Attorney. Mr. Finnell is a highly experienced prosecuting attorney, having served more than 29 years with this office. ADA Finnell is a very knowledgeable, motivated public servant, who consistently exercises appropriate judgment in the prosecution of criminal cases.
When long time Bergen Town Justice Donald R. Kunego retired, his notice of retirement made mention of “the outstanding professionalism of ADA Kevin Finnell”.
In 2018 ADA Finnell received a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition “for the highest level of professional assistance he has provided to the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office”. The Certificate stated that his “professional skills and consistent high performance has been a major contributor to the overall effectiveness of the Sheriff’s Office and the efforts of the Local Drug Task Force…Kevin T. Finnell has brought great credit upon himself and his chosen career as a Prosecutor.”
Last Spring, based on nominations from the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, Mr. Finnell received the statewide MADD Law Enforcement Recognition Award and the Kiwanis Club of Batavia Criminal Justice Award. In endorsing the MADD nomination, I referred to ADA Finnell’s enthusiasm for the job, work ethic and advocacy skills.
I am confident that Kevin Finnell will do a great job in his new role and that he is fully capable of running this office in my absence.