Day: February 5, 2018
BATAVIA POLICE REPORT/Rochester man jailed without bail after disturbance
Torrence C. Greene, 27, of Wearing Rd., Rochester, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 3rd with intent to sell and criminal possession of controlled substance 3rd/ a narcotic, following the investigation into a disturbance at a Walnut street address at 1:09 p.m. February 2, 2018. Greene was …
ORLEANS COUNTY/Convicted felon jailed without bail after possessing and selling a firearm and scrapping a person’s vehicle

Undersheriff Christopher Bourke reports the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office has arrested Dino Callara, 50, of Slade Road, Medina, and charged him with criminal sale of a firearm 3rd following an investigation by Investigator Brett and Investigator Strickland. Callara is a two time convicted felon who allegedly possessed and sold a …