BATAVIA/Fed up with the piled up trash on Veteran’s Memorial Drive, residents take action on Friday night

A Facebook post about disgusting messes that exist in and around the Batavia area on the Genesee County NY Neighborhood Watch-Free Speech page made several residents upset with the lack of litter clean up on Friday night, especially on Veteran’s Memorial Drive near Park road.

“Driving by all the time and I see all this mess here and I can’t stand a mess,” says Debbie Monte, of Batavia.

“The littering, I just can’t believe how people can litter like this and not care, its just terrible.”

Monte decided to take action after commenting on the Facebook Post.

Armed with garbage bags and some rubber gloves, Monte picked up another poster, Brittany Smith, and headed over to Veteran’s Memorial Drive to start picking up the garbage that has become an eyesore for many who pass by the area each day.

The two women, who had just met during the Facebook post, went to work and collected quite a few bags of garbage in one hour.

Passing motorists honked their horns and some even yelled “Thank you” as they slowed down to see what the two women were doing.

Smith was surprised when she found two dollars in the mucky mess of garbage along side the busy roadside.

“I’m an animal person and everyday I’m looking online on YouTube and I’m seeing animals getting stuck in plastic and cans and I don’t like that,” says Smith.

The two women plan on returning to the same area tomorrow with waterproof boots as the area is very water logged.

Monte says anyone who wants to come out and help can show up tomorrow, Saturday April 21st, between 10-10:30a.m. to help finish the job.

Wear waterproof boots, wear rubber gloves and bring some garbage bags.


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