The 7th Annual Mr. Batavia contest/fundraiser will be held on March 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the Batavia High School Auditorium. The student run event is where students help out various community organizations by raising funds.
Twelve senior contestants will represent a local charity and all of the money raised from ticket sales at the event will go to the winner’s charity.
The 12 seniors will compete in group dance, talent, swim, lip sync, tux walk and a question and answer section
Last year, the event raised $4400, putting the grand total over the past six years to $20,190.
Tickets this year will be $8 and will go on sale this Friday and are available in the main office at the high school. Students can purchase tickets during lunch and any tickets left over will be sold at the door.

Contestant #1-Harley Radley-representing the Pancreatic Cancer Association of WNY

Contestant #2-Will Palmer-representing the 25 Most Neediest Fund

Contestant #3-Taiyo Iburi-Bethel-representing All Babies Cherished.

Contestant # 4-Cameron Austin-representing the VA

Contestant # 5-Terelle Spinks-representing Volunteers for Animals

Contestant # 6-Griffin Della Penna-representing the Michael Napoleone Foundation.

Contestant #7=A.T. Thatcher-representing Go Art!

Contestant #8- Kris Kuszlyk-representing the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation of WNY.

Contestant #9-Alec Frongetta-representing Genesee Cancer Assistance.

Contestant # 10- Cameron Bontrager-representing the Batavia Players.

Contestant # 11-John Bruggman-representing Crossroads House.

Contestant # 12- Sam Rigerman-representing Habitat for Humanity.