Adapted from Carol Burnett’s best-selling book One More Time and Co-Written by her daughter Carrie Hamilton, the dramedy looks at the lives of three strong women living with little means and poverty.
Hollywood Arms is based on the life of Burnett and her much mentioned grandmother and mother.
“It tells her story and her life and what she had to go through, but yet she rose above all these problems and became the person she is today,” says show Director Heather Ferris.
“It is a very uplifting story in its own way. Even thought it takes place in the 40’s, it is still very relevant because it deals with co-dependency, alcoholism and living in poverty.”

Ferris says the 13 actors and 10 behind the scenes crew members have been working on the show since March.
“We talked about the characters and talked about the times, like how different 1941 was in comparison to today and we talked about racism, the different thought processes and how we treated each other and how we treated women.”
Ferris says the younger cast members had to think about the time they are currently in and how its different, but yet the same.
“We are still dealing with discrimination and racism today. Carol Burnett broke a lot of stereotypes. She was the first woman to have a variety show, so she broke the mold and let women know that women could do the same thing as men, she was a role model for women in the late 60’s and early 70’s.”
People may not know the whole story says Ferris, but she says its a good show to come out and see and the cast and crew have worked hard.
“They will make you laugh, they will make you cry, it’s just really a heartfelt show.”
Show times:
Friday May 10th and Saturday May 11th- at 7:30p.m.
Sunday May 12th at 2:00p.m.
56 Harvester avenue/Batavia
Students and Seniors-$11
Tickets available online at dailynewstickets.com