Day: September 6, 2019
GENESEE COUNTY/The 53rd Annual Steam Engine Rally is in full swing in Alexander

The WNY Gas and Steam Engine Rally is in full swing in Alexander at 10294 Gillate Road. Bill Dellapenta, President of the WNY Gas And Steam Engine Association says the theme this year is “Everything Steam”. Experience a historical working museum featuring Steam Traction Engines, Agricultural, Construction & Industrial Equipment. …
STATE POLICE/Boy Scout leader from Elba charged with sexual abuse

Press release On September 5, 2019, State Police arrested Ronald L. Rowcliffe, 55, of Elba, NY, after investigating several reports of sexual abuse. Rowcliffe, a Boy Scout leader, reportedly had inappropriate sexual contact with several victims ranging in age from 12 to 14 years, who were attending the Massawepie Boy …