Autumn Miles was the guest speaker for the annual All Babies Cherished Banquet at the Quality Inn on Park road on Thursday night.
Miles is the founder of Autumn Miles Ministries, an organization devoted to spiritually challenging the way women think. Her ministry is based in Dallas, Texas and she reaches many followers through her radio show and online through social media. She has also authored three books, “Appointed: Your Future Starts Now,” released in July 2014, “I am Rahab,” released from Worthy Publishing in August 2018, and “Gangster Prayer,” released by Hachette Publishing in July 2019.

Miles spoke to over 200 people on Thursday night about adoption and surviving domestic violence. Both topics that volunteers at All Babies Cherished deal with on a daily basis in assisting women in the GLOW region.

She has adopted two children and has two children with her second husband of 15 years.
“Ever since I was 18 years old I’ve wanted to adopt. I don’t think that people ever hear that adoptive parents side of the story and how a woman’s decision to plan an adoption changes our lives, because we are waiting and praying for these children, I have to tell my story,” says Miles.
Miles was able to escape her abusive first husband at age 22 after 3 years of marriage.
“When I was in a domestic violence relationship no one helped me, I had to figure it out on my own, I didn’t have a ministry like this that came alongside me and said, hey let me walk you through this. I believe God has put me on this planet to be that resource to other women that are going through domestic violence.”
Executive Director Sue Sherman says this is All Babies Cherished biggest fundraiser.
‘This will give us a great foundation to get through the expenses we are going to have. We are growing and we have many more clients, we are up over 20% from last year. There is more of a need, more to be done. God does not leave us hanging he takes care of the needs we have.”
For more information about All Babies Cherished, here is their link below.