The 18th Annual Wonderland of Trees at the Holland Land Office Museum held their Kick Off Gala on Friday night. The theme for this year is “Flowers of Christmas”

Visitors are invited to the museum from now until January to view the trees and holiday displays decorated by local businesses and organizations.

Participants: ARC of Genesee Orleans, Tompkins Bank of Castile, GCC/Alpha Epsilon Gamma, GCC Education Club, Museum Quilt Guild, Museum Volunteer/Robin Weinstein, SHEEP Homeschool Group, Batavia Business & Professional Women’s Club Inc., St. Joseph Catholic Church, Ann Marie Starowitz, Zonta Club of Batavia/Genesee County, HomeCare and Hospice, Mercy Flight/EMS, Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden, Stafford Historical Society, City of Batavia Historic Preservation Commission, Community Action of Orleans and Genesee/Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership, Student Transportation of America, Speak Up Toastmasters, Godfrey’s Pond/Genesee County Fish & Game Protective Association, Crossroads House, Anna Ingalsbe Lovell Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Genesee County Sheriff’s Employee Association, Town of Bergen Historian’s Office/Harford Livery Museum/Bergen Historical Society, Recovery WOW, Tim Horton’s.