Home is where the heart is, and after a few months of renovations, the Scouts/Iroquois Trail Council has officially cut the ribbon on their new home.
After years of using donated space and leasing, the Scouts have a place of their own.

The building at 102 South Main street in Oakfield has been retro-fitted for a scouting store, offices, a training center and for future development that will include an outdoor education area along with a training area in the basement. There are currently 7 full/part time staff who are working out of the building which will be open Monday -Friday 9-6pm (Friday only until 5pm)

The location is central to Niagara, Orleans, Genesee, Livingston and Wyoming Counties which the group serves.
“We were sitting on top of each other at our last location at GOArt,” says Jim McMullen, Executive Director/Iroquois Trail Council. The group was there about 4 years.
Thanks to Gerry and Susan Vukman and their generous donation that spurred others to also give, the move into the new building was made possible.
“We are excited and thrilled to have the community support.”

The 112 year old scouting group will now have its own standalone space that is not only more cost effective, but will provide meeting, training and office space along with store space under one roof.
The Iroquois Trail Council are continuing to raise funds to add the outdoor education area on the rear of the property and create a training area in the basement.
Contributions can be made by contacting the Iroquois Trail Council at 585-343-0307 or visiting their website at http://www.itcbsa.org/