Lori Santini has mask making down to a science.
She has created 400 masks for the local community and people in other states around the country. She has mailed her product to Colorado, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and others.

Santini, with the help of her two children Nate and Samantha along with her neighbors, has supplied the masks free of charge to whoever has requested one on Facebook.
Her goal? To cover as many mouths and noses as possible.
She has been out of work since March 13th, waiting for her scheduled surgery from March 16th to be rescheduled. She says creating the masks helps keep her focused and deal with her pain.
“I am getting closer to surgery with each mouth I cover,” says Santini.
She says her masks fit like an N95, they have a deeper profile
“I can put HEPA filter material as the third layer. They are washable so you will be able to re-use plenty of times.”

She has badass prints or more public friendly prints. “I have an awesome skull flame print right now.”
Four needles from the trusty Singer sewing machine were destroyed over the past month because of some the fabric, but she says it was worth it.

“I had only two accidents sewing. I cut off a chunk of my left ring finger and put two stitches in my pointer finger.”
Between the cutting of the fabric, stitching, and having her daughter Samantha make the t-shirt yarn, it is about a 20 minute process for each mask.

“The Crown Royal ones took closer to 35 minutes because they had the extra details.”
The Santini masks have gone to the City of Batavia Fire Department, the Corfu Fire Department, LeRoy Ambulance, the LeRoy Police Department, Walmart employees, Pembroke School employees, and a hundred folks who simply ask Santini for one.
“I write the name and what is requested on a brown paper bag for each order. They go out as they came in, except if there is an emergency. Caregivers get priority”

Santini’s neighbors donated the t-shirts for the ties, and another neighbor donated a huge selection of fabrics.
“I used part of my stimulus check for this project. It seemed like a good way to help others.”
You can contact Santini on her Facebook page if you are in need of a mask. Santini also has provided masks for employees at Tops, Walmart and CVS. She made bandana masks for some of the Corfu Dollar General workers.
Next Monday, Santini’s doctor will create a new surgery schedule as hospitals will begin scheduling again. “I am considered urgent, so I will be soon.”