New Cases
· As of 2:00 p.m. 4.27.2020
o Genesee County received 3 new positive cases of COVID-19 for a total of 146 positive cases
§ The three positive cases reside in Batavia.
§ One individual is in their 20’s, one individual is in their 40’s, and one individual is in their 80’s.
§ One of the newly positive individuals was on quarantine prior to becoming symptomatic.
§ 3 of the previous positive cases have recovered and have been released from mandatory isolation.
§ 2 of the total active positive cases are hospitalized.
§ 1 of the total active positive cases is at a non-hospital regulated facility.
o Orleans County received 2 new positive cases of COVID-19 for a total of 81 positive cases.
§ One positive case resides in Waterport, and one resides in Albion.
§ Four of the weekend positive cases were from The Villages of Orleans Health & Rehab Facility.
§ One individual is in their 60’s, one individual is in their 80’s.
§ 1 of the positive individuals was on quarantine prior to becoming symptomatic.
§ 8 of the total active positive cases are hospitalized.

Click below to view the Genesee and Orleans County online map of confirmed cases
Remember even though the numbers may be high at a specific location, the virus is still moving though our counties. People need to continue frequent handwashing and sanitizing shared surfaces, practicing stay safe at home, social distancing and wearing cloth masks when out in public.
This is not the time for gathering at the grocery stores, take out lines or play dates. This is the time to be kind and think of the health and well-being of others.
The NYS Health Department will partner with the State’s Attorney General to investigate nursing home violations. A hotline or online form can be submitted where residents, families, or members of the public can share complaints about nursing homes that have not provided required communications with families about COVID-19 diagnoses or fatalities, nursing home abuse and neglect including failure to follow rules to keep residents safe. The hotline number is 833-249-8499 or click the link for the online form: https://ag.ny.gov/nursinghomes
Domestic Violence:
For New Yorkers in need of help or assistance, they can text 844997-2121 or can go to the new confidential online site to reach a professional at www.opdv.ny.gov The new text program and confidential online service will make it easier for victim who are isolated with their abusers to get help. Both the text and online service are staffed 24/7 by the Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence Staff who are experts in the area of domestic violence.
Wearing Masks and Social Distancing is paramount to preventing flare-ups and minioutbreaks. Everyone needs to be compliant. Correctly wearing cloth masks is part of a multi-prong approach to stop/slow the spread of COVID-19. We know wearing a face covering is inconvenient and uncomfortable, but it can limit transmission of respiratory germs. The mask traps the droplets before they spread into the environment. Remember wearing a face covering helps to protect others from your potential germs. ‘My mask protects you, and your mask protects me!’
o The Health Department encourages stores and businesses to set guidelines that include not allowing patrons to enter if they are not wearing a face covering or wearing it correctly (covering the mouth & nose).
Make sure proper signage noting your policy is visible to patrons.
o As/When the state starts open up we all have to be diligent for quite some time to prevent the spread of this virus.
Continue frequent handwashing / hand sanitizing if soap and water are not available.
Continue frequent sanitizing / cleaning of shared surfaces.
Continue Social Distancing – staying 6’ away from others.
Continue Wearing face coverings – wearing face coverings correctly when out in public. The mouth and nose are to be covered and the face covering should be tucked under the chin. Wearing masks is a way of strengthening social distancing.
Stay HOME if you are sick! Do not go shopping, Do not go to work, Donot go visiting!
There is still no cure or vaccination available for COVID-19.
Be alert to scams or home remedies. Contact your primary care provider if you have any symptoms and follow his/her instructions.
Swabbing is becoming increasingly available in the WNY region.
If you are experiencing symptoms, contact your primary care provider and they will determine if testing is right for you. If the counties receive an increase in swabbing supplies and the protocol for testing is changed, we will notify the public.
Mental Health
Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations and having to socially distance yourself from someone you love can be difficult. Below are resources that can help you connect to a professional that can help you through these challenging times: o Care + Crisis Helpline is available 24/7 at 585-283-5200 or text ‘Talk’ to 741741 o New Yorkers can call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-8639314 for mental health counseling
New Yorkers who have recovered from COVID-19 are encouraged to donate blood. Here’s information on how to donate or for the American Red Cross Donation Program, https://nybc.org/donate-blood/convalescent-plasma/convalescent-plasma-covid-19-donor-request-form/
An awareness campaign encouraging low-income New Yorkers to claim their Economic Impact Payments under the CARES Act. https://www.tax.ny.gov/press/alerts/stimulus-checks-information.
The Governor has extended the Disaster Emergency through May 15, 2020. https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/no-20216-continuing-temporary-suspension-andmodification-laws-relating-disaster-emergency Complaints regarding businesses are being referred to the State Department of Labor via online form https://labor.ny.gov/workerprotection/laborstandards/coronavirus-complaints.shtm or phone: 1-822-789-0470.
New York State on PAUSE:
To assist local authorities with enforcement of these orders, the Governor established the New York State PAUSE Enforcement Assistance Task Force where individuals can file complaints regarding the operation of non-essential businesses or gatherings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click here to file a complaint online. https://mylicense.custhelp.com/app/ask also call 1-833-789-0470.
Businesses that are not in compliance with the Governor’s executive order may be penalized.
New York State Department of Health – https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/home
CDC –https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Genesee County Health Department – https://www.co.genesee.ny.us/departments/health/coronavirus_2019/index.php
Orleans County Health Department – https://orleanscountyny.com/departments/publichealth/covid-19/
NY State of Health –https://nystateofhealth.ny.gov/
If you believe an employer is violating either existing labor laws or recently issued by Governor Andrew Cuomo, please contact the NYS Attorney General’s office at (212) 4168700 or Labor.Bureau@ag.ny.gov @GOHEALTHNY SOCIAL MEDIA Follow us on social media to receive reliable information about COVID-19. Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Ready Genesee Orleans Aware