The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a two vehicle accident involving a 2006 BMW and a tandem tractor trailer at 3975 Rt. 5 in the Town of Batavia that occurred 11:20p.m Tuesday night.
The 2006 BMW was traveling west on Rt. 5, according to a Sheriff’s Department accident report, the driver, Dante D. Mancuso, 18, of West Main street, Batavia, stated that he swerved to miss a deer. Mancuso later stated that the deer shattered his windshield. The Sheriff’s Office says there was no evidence to indicate that a deer was struck .

The tandem tractor trailer, being operated by Joseph L. Ruhland Jr., 53, of Greene St., Buffalo, was traveling east on Rt. 5. According to the accident report, the 2006 BMW crossed over the center line and sideswiped the driver’s side of the semi.

The 2006 BMW came to rest at a tree on the south shoulder. The semi jackknifed and struck a mailbox and a concrete stone retaining wall in front of 3975 Rt. 5. The semi then rolled over onto its side and the rear trailer separated and also rolled over onto its side.
Both drivers were injured according to the accident report, and charges may be pending against Mancuso, the driver of the 2006 BMW.
Truth about the accident. The deer hit car before contact happened with semi …all deer evidence gone when truck was hit …since there is no front end left . Both drivers were tested for alcohol and came back negative. So you can rule out DUI.
Have you seen the car!!! It’s demolished !!! People need to get there story straight before jumping to conclusions. Thank God both drivers were released from hospital with no injuries that’s the most important thing.
Was there any blood on the BMW from impact with the deer? Dont you think that they investigated all that? The kid has a history… AT 18 YRS OLD!!!
So where exactly did you get your ‘facts’ from?
Evidence was destroyed in the accident there’s nothing left of the front and side of the car
Obviously swerved and hit something
You really should not be getting accident explanations from somebody who has a severe concussion
Funny how it doesn’t mention he blacked out …five air bags exploded and hit him along with the impact the semi.
No prior tickets convictions.
Happy both drivers we able to exit both of their vehicles and the hospitals on their own. The angels were working overtime. That’s why they call it an accident.
I guess if you weren’t there then it’s best you don’t get accident explanations or make your own guesstimates or judgment calls. I find it hard to believe there is not one ounce of evidence of a deer hitting that vehicle. There is no way that an accident would’ve wiped it completely clean nor do I believe that there was no sign of a deer or a blood trail.
That’s the problem with people with money….they all think they can do no wrong…nothing is ever their fault.
Let’s see if he buys his way out. His story holds no water.
Save your breath. Nothing you can say will change anyone’s mind. If you weren’t there then you’re going off of hearsay.
Go back and tend to your chat room.
Pal, Myself and others were there right after before emergency crew arrived.
God bless you and have a nice day.
Arcangelo Capozzolo has enough on his plate to worry about rather than kiss someones @ss
Chapter 7 BK
His Ex Wife serving him with lawsuit
Insurance Fraud
Thank God? Do you know God Arcangelo Capozzolo – If you did you wouldn’t Steal Millions from people and Funding Companies, Grow America, and ERIE COUNTY
Know the facts of things and the accident – just like the facts around your life
Sounds like everyone knows the truth about Arcangelo Capozzolo. Doesn’t even pay child support or speak to his kids. If someone needs to find God it’s definitely him.
Deer or not, the kid was still in the wrong. You don’t swerve for deer. Semis weight in at 80,000lbs, No airbags to protect them. The driver of the semi has sustained life changing injuries and has lost the ability to provide for his family. Respect the road, its no place for children..