ORLEANS COUNTY/Sheriff’s Office Report for August 2020

Press release

In the month of August, the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office 911 Dispatch Center processed 2082 police incidents, including 803 events for Sheriff’s Road Patrol, 258 for the New York State Police and 1460 calls for the Village police agencies of Lyndonville, Medina, Albion, and Holley.

There were 519 Fire/EMS related calls dispatched countywide with 377 of those calls emergency medical in nature and 3 drug overdoses.

Sheriff’s Dept. Road Patrol Deputies handled 40 automobile accidents, including 16 with injury and 14 car-deer collisions. Road patrol, also, made 83 service attempts and successfully served 57 subpoenas, civil, or court papers.

The Sheriff’s Animal Control Division handled 110 incidents including 31 stray or loose animals, 3 animal bite complaints, 10 neighbor dog problems, and several other miscellaneous animal calls. In addition, 7 animals were taken in to shelter on a voluntary surrender.

The Orleans County Jail processed in 33 inmates and handled 9 prisoner transports to court appearances, medical treatments, or other correctional facilities.

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