The “Rock House” on State street is now selling/donating all of their inspirational rock paintings beginning Monday.
“All of the rocks in front of my house are up for sale/donation,” says artist Angelina Pellegrino.

“I would like to give all of the proceeds to Habitat for Humanity as my house was once a Habitat house. I have over 200 rocks right now. Anyone that would like to come and get some pieces of rock art are welcome to for a monetary donation. If I am not outside at any point, please knock on the door or ring the doorbell.”

Pellegrino says she will be available this week Monday-Wednesday, Noon -2, and Thursday and Friday from 10a.m. through the evening.
The “Rock House” on State street has become part of the neighborhood’s daily routine during the pandemic. Each day Angelina Pellegrino and her family help create a new rock to add to the collection that has been placed in front of their house across from Centennial Park.
Any and all of the proceeds will be going directly to Habitat for Humanity of Genesee County.