GENESEE COUNTY/Batavia Town Board meeting 10.21. 2020

Video of meeting


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2020 7:00 P.M. Town Hall

A. Calling the Meeting to Order:

1. Pledge to the Flag

2. Roll Call B. Call Public Hearing to order:

Local Law 3 of 2020- Tax Cap Override C. Minutes:

1. August 19, 2020 Public Hearing- Local Law 2 of 2020-Discrimination & Harassment Policy

2. September 16, 2020 Regular Town Board Meeting

3. September 30, 2020 Special Town Board Meeting

D. Speakers:

E. Resolutions:

147. Resolution to Adopt Local Law 3 of 2020 -Override Tax Cap

148. Resolution to Adopt 2021 Preliminary Budget

149. Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing-Sewer Rates May 2021 to February 2022

150. Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing-Water Rates May 2021 to February 2022

151. Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing – 2021 Town Budget

152. Resolution Authorizing Levying Unpaid Water/Sewer Charges Against the 2021 Tax Warrant

153. Resolution Authorizing Personnel to Attend Training Workshops

154. Resolution to Adopt the Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1)

155. Resolution Authorizing Solar Farm Decommissioning Agreement- Townline Batavia Solar 1, LLC (Borrego Solar)

156. Resolution Authorizing Lockbox Agreement for Tax Collection Payments-Five Star Bank

157. Resolution to Approve Annual Renewal of the AutoCAD Subscription 158. Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of a Scanner

159. Resolution Authorizing Out of District Water Ratification Agreement- From Ewell to GCC Foundation Housing Services, Inc.

160. Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of IT 48 Port Network Smart Switch

161. Resolution Authorizing Emergency Work at Fairway Drive Wastewater Pump Station Agreement – STC Construction, Incorporated F. Financial Abstract No. 10-2020

G. Department Reports

H. Town Supervisor’s Report –

I. Committee Reports:

J. Old Business

K. New Business:

L. Adjournment

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