Interviews/ by Julie Carasone

A Patriots rally was held in Batavia on Saturday afternoon.
The group, clad in red, white and blue clothing, displaying American flags, Back the Blue flags, Trump flags and clothing, organized at Walmart and held a vehicle parade to City Centre, followed by several speakers, and then a march to the east end of the City and back.

Organizers Daniel Crane and Ann Scalia say the group is about many different people and personalities.

“Freedom loving Americans came together for a day, standing up for the Constitution, which is for every American, doesn’t matter what your race or religion is. We are out here to defend the Constitution. Whether you want medical freedom, or you might have an issue with the mask mandate, or with the Governor. The focus is freedom,” says Crane.

Across from the rally on Main street, three people supporting Black Lives Matter displayed signs and voiced their opposition to supporting Donald Trump, “Pro America , Anti Trump” their signs said.
(Section updated after receiving video of the conversation between Jennifer and Black Lives Matter Supporters)
One rally goer named Jennifer spoke with Black Lives Matter supporters about what Trump is doing for the country.
“He doesn’t speak as eloquent as Barack, forget that, what he is doing for our country and our rights, we have come a long way.”
In response, a Black Lives Matter supporter says he has done little to nothing.
During the conversation, Jennifer expressed to the Black Lives Matter supporters to forget the party and just listen to what they are really saying. She says she has been writing letters to senators and governors for years about imprisoning black people. They are using us to take control she continued.
Jennifer then also expressed her dislike for Trump.
Do I like Donald Trump? No, he’s an idiot, he looks like an idiot and sounds like and idiot, she said.

“I get it, my kids are black, I get that, but we’re being used to divide and hate. We love you, you belong to the same flag.”
Also at the rally were the Marching Patriots, The Constitutional Coalition, The Rally Patriots and The Watchmen.

The girl who wrote the article literally lied and I have it all on tape she worded it all wrong because a the reporter didn’t even ask us any questions.
Straight lies! “Jennifer” never asked my 3 daughters why they thought Trump was racist and if she did ask, my girls would have had a laundry list of reasons why he’s racist! Do better Video News Service!
Some people need to get their facts straight. President Trump has done more for the Black Community than anyone! Democrats love to keep them dependent on the Government by offering them all kinds of free stuff. THERE is nothing FREE!! I am proud to have President Trump re elected. I am voting for Freedom of all People!! I am voting for 1st and 2nd Amendment, lowered taxes. Biden/Harris have admitted they will raise them. Do the math!!!
Wrong…but Trump said he did more than anyone with the exception of Lincoln so it must be right lmao…but no it’s wrong
Good job updating the article to reflect the truth! And good job to Destiny, Alyssa, and Maddie!