New Cases – As of 2:00 p.m. November 6, 2020
o Genesee County received 11 new positive cases of COVID-19 for a total of 422 positive cases
§ The new positive cases reside in Alexander, Batavia, Byron, Elba, LeRoy, Pembroke, and Stafford.
§ The individuals are in their 0-19’s, 20’s, 30’s, 50’s, and 60’s.
§ None of the individuals were on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
§ Due to the new ‘test-out’ option and the discrepancies in reporting domestic travel we will currently not be reporting precautionary quarantine data.
§ 2 of the positive individuals are hospitalized.
§ The Health Department has been notified of a positive student at the Elba Elementary School. The student was not in school two days prior to testing positive, therefore no school impact. The individuals are on mandatory isolation until recovered. Contact tracing is in process for those who are considered close contacts and will be placed on mandatory quarantine for 14 days from the last contact with the positive individual.
o Orleans County received 7 new positives case of COVID-19 for a total of 421 positive cases
§ The new positive cases reside in Albion, Carlton, Yates, Shelby, Barre, and Ridgeway.
§ The individuals are in their 0-19’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 80’s.
§ One of the individuals was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
§ Due to the new ‘test-out’ option and the discrepancies in reporting domestic travel we will currently not be reporting precautionary quarantine data.
§ 1 of the previous positive individuals has recovered and has been removed from the isolation list.
§ 1 of the positive individuals is hospitalized.
§ The Health Department has been notified of a positive student at Albion Elementary School. The student was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive, therefore no school impact. The individual is on mandatory isolation until recovered. Contact tracing is in process for those who are considered close contacts and will be placed on mandatory quarantine for 14 days from the last contact with the positive individual.
Click here to view the Genesee and Orleans County online map of confirmed cases

School Guidance: New York State Department of Health has provided guidance regarding when/if to send your child to school and when/if staff should report. For the guidance document, click here.
Click here to access the COVID-19 Report Card
Gathering Size: According to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.45, all non-essential gatherings of up to 50 individuals of any size for any reason (celebrations, weddings, or other social events at public facilities or private venues) unless otherwise designated (ex. Religious gatherings), are now allowed for those regions in phase 4. So long as appropriate social distancing, wearing cloth masks/face coverings over their mouth and nose, and cleaning and disinfection protocol requirements are followed. With the recent uptick of individuals testing positive and the stricter guidance placed by the Governor, it is important to remember that those who plan and host non-essential gatherings (whether at a venue or a private residence) as noted above, can be fined up to $15,000, and/or cause our counties to be considered a micro-cluster which will place the area under stricter restrictions.
Micro-clusters: The initiative will take the most significant action within the cluster (Red Zone), moderate action in the area surrounding the cluster to stop the spread (Orange Zone), and precautionary action in the outlying communities (Yellow Zone).
To learn more about the Cluster Action Initiative go to
Travel Advisory: Updated 11/04/20
New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut announced that as of 06/25/20 travelers returning or traveling from states with high coronavirus rates will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days.
· As of 11/04/20, there will be new travel guidelines. Out-of-state travelers to New York will be able to ‘test out’ of the mandatory 14-day quarantine if they have a negative COVID-19 test result at least 3 days prior to entering New York and after a 3-day quarantine starting on their arrival in New York, test negative on day 4 of their quarantine. If you choose not to test prior to entering New York you will be on 14 day quarantine…in both instances you are responsible to complete the New York State Traveler Health Form.
If you traveled to another state for less than 24 hours, you do not need a test prior to your departure from the other state and do not need to quarantine upon arrival in NYS.
The traveler must still fill out the NYS Traveler Form and take a COVID-19 diagnostic test 4 days after their arrival in New York. For more information on this new advisory, please click here.
The Governor is also encouraging that non- essential travel to/from Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut and Vermont be avoided as they may meet the criteria for NYS travel advisory.
· On 09/28/20, Governor Cuomo signed an executive order reminding international travelers entering New York from Level 2 and 3 countries to quarantine for 14 days. This is still in effect.
· Those violating could be subject to a judicial order and mandatory quarantine and potential fines.
These states and countries may change at any time. Click here for more information.
GO Health follows the New York State guidance/requirements which can be different from the CDC and takes precedence over the CDC recommendations.
· Traveler Health Form: For all out-of-state or international travelers from NYS restricted states or countries, whether arriving by land or air, must self-identify by completing a traveler health form or be subject to a $10,000 fine. Click here for the traveler health form.
Flu Tracking: For the 2020-2021 Flu Season we will provide data on Friday’s on the current influenza activity.
To check the data click here. For the current week ending date 10/31/20 Genesee County has 0 cases and Orleans County has 0 cases. There are 88 cases statewide. This is up 42% from previous week. Cases (Statewide) Season to date: 282. This data is influenza that is confirmed by laboratory testing. Not everyone seeks testing for confirmation of the flu.
With flu season quickly approaching it is important to get your flu shots now to build up immunity. It generally takes 2 weeks before immunity is built up after getting the shot. Once you have the flu vaccine, if you do get the flu, research shows that the vaccination reduces the risk of severe illness. Getting a flu vaccine can save healthcare resources for the care of patients with COVID-19 and other illnesses. Talk with your primary care provider today! #SleeveUp #FightFlu For locations go to
It is always good to call prior to going to make sure they have your vaccine in stock.
Testing: If you are being tested for COVID-19 it is important that you self-quarantine until you get your test results whether you have symptoms or not. If you are symptomatic, meaning you are coughing, have a fever or other symptoms, self-quarantine even if you are an essential worker until you get your results back, if you have COVID-19 you may be spreading it! That means to stay home and limit contact with other people, even in your household.
o Jerome Center (Genesee County) – 16 Bank St., Batavia, NY 14020; Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 6 p.m.: These trailers are NOT open to everyone, nor are they walk-in or drive- through sites. Patients MUST have a lab testing order from their provider.
o CVS in Batavia on Main Street is offering Covid testing via their drive thru. Patient has to go online to schedule an appointment on CVS’s website or call 1 (866) 389-2727.
Community Testing Sites
Check with the testing site for any specific criteria necessary for testing such as illness, contact with someone who tested positive, essential worker, required for reopening / business, etc. Many need to have a doctor referral/prescription. Always call first. To find additional test sites nearest you, please click here.
· WellNow Urgent Care: 4189 Veterans Memorial Drive Batavia; 585-201-5598
· Rochester Regional Health Urgent Care: 16 Bank Street Batavia; 585- 815-6715
· Oak Orchard Health: 301 West Ave Albion, NY; 585-589-5613
COVID Alert NY is New York State’s official Exposure Notification App. This is a free smartphone app for anyone 18+ that lives and/or works in New York available for download in the Google Play Store and Apple
App Store starting October 1st. The COVID Alert NY app notifies users if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Upon receiving an exposure notification, the app will encourage users to contact their physician or the State Health Department hotline (1-833-227-5045) to get more information about quarantining and testing. To learn more about COVID Alert NY, visit
Nursing Home Visitation: As of 09/15/20, the state is requiring the nursing home facilities to have visitors provide proof of negative COVID-19 test results within 7 days of visit. To find a testing site nearest you, please click here or call 1-888-364-3065. Click here to view the guidance for skilled nursing facility visitation.
Mental Health Resources:
Care+Crisis Helpline: 585-283-5200 or text ‘Talk’ to 741741
Genesee County Mental Health Department: 585-344-1421
Orleans County Mental Health Department: 585-589-7066