o Data Update –4/14/21
o Genesee County reporting 15 new positive cases of COVID-19 for a total of 4876 positive cases.
§ The new positive cases reside in the:
· West Region (Alabama, Darien, Pembroke)
· Central Region (Alexander, Batavia, Bethany, Elba, Oakfield)
· East Region (Bergen, Byron, LeRoy, Pavilion, Stafford)
§ The individuals are in their 19-20’s, 20’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.
§ 25 of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
§ 4 of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.
o Orleans County reporting 13 new positive cases of COVID-19 for a total of 2692 positive cases.
§ The positive cases reside in the:
· West Region (Yates, Ridgeway, Shelby)
· Central Region (Carlton, Gaines, Albion, Barre)
· East Region (Kendall, Murray, Clarendon)
§ The individuals are in their 0-19’s, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s.
§ 14 of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
§ 2 of the new positive individuals was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
§ 4 of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.

Click here to view the Genesee and Orleans County online map of confirmed cases. Genesee and Orleans County COVID-19 Map
The State updates the raw positive and fatality data as they receive it and can be seen here: http://bit.ly/NYSFatalityData The data is updated on Fridays with the latest data.
Vaccine Update: Johnson & Johnson Vaccine is currently on pause due to a very rare and severe type of blood clot in individuals after getting the vaccine, generally 6 to 13 days after receiving the vaccine. If you have recently received the vaccine, be alert for potential symptoms such as developing a severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath – within the last few weeks – contact your primary care provider and seek medical treatment.
There are still two vaccines and there have been no adverse events with either Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. PLEASE SHARE THE LINK WITH OTHERS. ALL New Yorkers 16 and over are eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Visit the GO Health Vaccination Page (https://bit.ly/GOHealthVaccine) to check for upcoming Vaccination Clinics.
All of our clinics are targeted for Genesee and Orleans County residents but open to residents who live, work and/or study in New York State. If you do not have internet access, there are walk-in hours (Walk-ins are first come, first served as vaccine is available.) for the Thursday 04/15/21 clinic at Ridgeway Fire Hall walk-in hours: 1:00-3:00 p.m.
o As of April 6, 2021 anyone 16 years of age and older are eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine along with the other priority groups. Pfizer vaccine is recommended for those 16 and older (those under 18 must have a parent / guardian present when getting the vaccine, check the
NYS-run clinics for Pfizer vaccine: https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/). Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are recommended for those 18 and older.
The Finger Lakes Vaccine Hub has launched a Finger Lakes Region Vaccine Finder: https://flvaccinehub.org/getting-your-vaccine/#vaccine-finder
For FREE Rapid Testing, click here: https://bit.ly/GOHealthTesting the links will be live when there is a clinic scheduled and there are open appointments. Clinics will be limited and determined week-by-week. o After testing, go home to wait for your results…do NOT go out in public. o If the clinics are closed please check the NYS COVID-19 Drive through test sites:
Call New York State Department of Health Testing Appointments Call 1-888-364-3065 or o Monroe Community College – testing by appointment only: https://www.monroecc.edu/index.php?id=29078 o Niagara County Community College – https://covid19screening.health.ny.gov/covid-19-screening/
New York State Resource and Data Links:
o Vaccine Information: https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/covid-19-vaccine-tracker This now includes the county breakdown. o To learn more about the businesses and restrictions go to https://forward.ny.gov/ny-forward
o NY Forward Rapid Test Program: https://forward.ny.gov/ny-forward-rapid-test-program
o Percent Positive 7/14 – day average click here (https://forward.ny.gov/percentage-positive-results-county-dashboard) o School Guidance: Click here to access the COVID-19 Report Card. School Report (ny.gov)
o Raw positive data for each of the counties click the following link: https://covid19tracker.health.ny.gov/views/NYS-COVID19-Tracker/NYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Map?%3Aembed=yes&%3Atoolbar=no&%3Atabs=n o To learn more about large gatherings, quarantines and travel go to: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/travel-large-gatherings-and-quarantines#quarantines