Day: April 26, 2021
GENESEE ORLEANS/Health Dept./COVID-19 Update/52 new positive cases reported
BATAVIA/Muckdogs sign three players to their roster for 2021

Press release New additions to the 2021 Batavia Muckdog roster, all attended NCAA Division 2 and 3 institutions that find themselves in the Top 25 rankings. They are pitcher Nathan Novia, corner infielder Joe Georger, and outfielder Trevor Dean. Novia is a right-handed pitcher from Leicester, MA, and is listed …
LEROY POLICE REPORT/Pavilion man facing felony coercion and drug charges after execution of a search warrant at his residence
GENESEE ORLEANS/First dose COVID-19 vaccine clinics scheduled for tomorrow and Wednesday, walk-ins accepted
Press release The Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health) have first dose Moderna vaccination clinics with appointments available targeting those who are 18 and older and open for any New York State individuals, whoreside, work or study in the state. “We have first dose Moderna vaccination clinics scheduled …