Day: May 18, 2021
GENESEE COUNTY/Town of Batavia Planning Board Meeting/May 18, 2021

Town of Batavia Planning Board Meeting Tuesday, May 18, 2021 7:00 pm Because of the Novel Corona Virus Pandemic and state and federal bans on large meetings or gatherings and pursuant to Governor Cuomo’s Executive order 202.1 issued March 12, 2020 suspending the Open Meeting Law, the Town of Batavia …
GENESEE COUNTY/Alpaca Yoga starts this weekend in Bergen

Press release Bergen, NY- If you are an alpaca enthusiast or just need to unwind… you will love experiencing yoga at Northwoods Alpaca Farm! This new program starts this Saturday, May 22nd and runs each Saturday through August 28th. Held in the pasture, this new forty-five-minute class concludes with a …
GENESEE COUNTY/The Maple Experience comes to Oakfield-Alabama Elementary School

Story and photos by Julie Carasone On Tuesday morning, members of the Oakfield-Alabama Future Farmers of America (FFA) Club, guided elementary school students through the different steps of how to make maple syrup. Stopping at different stations, the elementary students learned the maple syrup making process. At …
GENESEE COUNTY/Kiwanis Club of Batavia and Genesee County Bar Association/2021 Law Day Observance and Criminal Justice Awards announced
Due to current Covid restrictions in place, the typical annual awards dinner was unable to be held this year, however, Kiwanis Club President Bob Conrad and Genesee County Bar Association President Jake Whiting will be announcing the awards at a zoom presentation held at the Old County Courthouse tonight, Wednesday, …
GENESEE COUNTY/COVID-19 status update by County Officials/Public Health Director Paul Pettit

CURRENTLY Genesee County- 7 day positivity rate is 1.5% with 62 active cases and 9 are hospitalized Orleans County- 7 day positivity rate is 1.8% with 50 active cases and one person is hospitalized. Finger Lakes Region- current positivity rate is 2.7% Masks are still required at the following locations/whether …