Month: May 2021
WYOMING COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT/Peekskill man charged in traffic stop in Perry/Alden man charged in single vehicle accident
GENESEE ORLEANS/Health Dept./COVID-19 Update – NEW GO Health Website announced

Press release In collaboration with Newbird, Buffalo and funding from The Kresge Foundation, Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health) are pleased to announce the launch of the new joint GO Health website. “As chief health strategists for Genesee and Orleans Counties, GO Health has been building our cross …
GENESEE COUNTY/Oakfield/Pair from out of state arrested after high speed pursuit, crash, fleeing from police
GENESEE COUNTY/Special Town of Batavia Planning Board meeting at Area 51 Motocross facility/May 25, 2021

Town of Batavia Planning Board Meeting Tuesday, May 25, 2021 6:00 pm SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Call Special Planning Board Meeting to Order Roll Call Designation of Alternate Member(s) for voting purposes if necessary Public Comment on Agenda Items 1. Onsite tour of Area 51 Motocross facility at 3323 Harloff Road …
GENESEE ORLEANS/Health Dept./COVID-19 Update/32 positive cases reported from 5/21-5/25, 9 hospitalized
GENESEE COUNTY/Local Primary Election Information, Absentee Deadlines, Early Voting Poll Site, Dates and Times
Press release Local Republican Primaries in Bethany, Byron and Stafford ONLY – There are three local Republican Primary Election contests in the towns of; Bethany, Byron, and Stafford. There are no countywide contests. Because New York State is a closed Primary state, only registered Republicans, living in those jurisdictions, can …
BATAVIA/City Council Conference Meeting May 24, 2021

Perry Jessalyn Pitts– Waived Indictment on Assault in the Second Degree(D Felony) and Disorderly conduct (misdemeanor); pleaded guilty to Assault in the Second Degree (DFelony), placed on one year interim probation; Adjourned to 04/28/22 for final sentencing. Vincent Mack-Waived Indictment on Aggravated DWI: With A Child-Passenger Less Than 16 ( …
WYOMING COUNTY/Sheriff’s Office participating in “click it or ticket”

As Memorial Day weekend approaches and the unofficial start to summer begins, more motorists are taking to our roadways. The Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office is urging everyone to buckle up, this include proper child safety seat usage as well. Starting May 24th –June 6th the Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office will …