Press release
The Orleans County Sheriff Christopher Bourke announces the appointment of Jeffrey Gifaldi to the position of Undersheriff and Robin Riemer to the position of Chief Deputy of the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office effective September 20, 2021.
Undersheriff Gifaldi has over 21 years of experience including serving the Holley and Albion Police Departments as well as many years at the O.C. Sheriff’s Office as a Deputy Sheriff, Criminal Investigator, Accident Reconstruction Specialist, Major Felony Crime Task Force member, Fire Investigator and most recently, serving as the Chief Deputy of the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office.
Chief Deputy Riemer has 34 years experience in law enforcement including serving as a Correction Officer in the Orleans County Jail, Medina Police Dept., Brighton Police Dept., MCC Public Safety, O.C. Sheriff’s Marine Division, and most recently as a Sergeant in the Criminal Division. Chief Riemer is a N.Y.S. Certified Police instructor in many disciplines.
Undersheriff Michael Mele retired in August of 2021 following a career of over 22 years of service to the citizens of Orleans County. We wish him well in his future endeavors.