Grand opening event to celebrate $3.15 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative project in downtown Batavia.
WHO: Brett Frank, Batavia Development Corporation
Victor Gautieri, VJ Constructors
New York State Assembly Member Stephen Hawley
New York State Senator Ed Rath
Eugene Jankowski, Jr, Batavia City Council President
Shelley Stein, Chair, Genesee County Legislature
Lori Aratari, Batavia Development Corporation, Board Chair
WHAT: Celebration of the grand opening and unveiling of Ellicott Place in the City of Batavia with a tour of the retail space and apartments to follow.
WHEN: Wednesday, September 29th at 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: 45-47 Ellicott Street, Batavia, NY/Located above the Save- A- Lot store
The Ellicott Street DRI project is part of the $20 million of capital investment projects taking place in downtown Batavia, including the development of approximately 65 market rate apartments which addresses the critical need for high-quality residential units in downtown Batavia and Genesee County.
Batavia’s DRI includes more than $60 million of public-private investments across more than a dozen projects in downtown Batavia.
Of the 10 apartments available, two are still available.

How come no reports are quoting the rent $ for these apartments? You say “market rate”… why not give a $$???
Believe they are in the 1100-1500 range. You would have to contact them. There are two units that are still open.