Hannah Beach and Lilly Senko, 9th grade students at Pembroke High School, completed their Girl Scout Project and achieved their Silver Award with Girl Scout Troop 42025 on Tuesday afternoon.
A dedication of the 50 plus hour project was held at the Pembroke Junior Senior High School with several school board members, the Superintendent, the High School Principal, and teachers present.

The two girls created a Sensory Park area at the rear of the school, near the bus loop exit, for their special needs friends. The area incorporates a music wall, sensory wall, a bench, and a sensory garden that they created and installed themselves.(Provided information)
“We are very proud of the ladies they have become in reaching out to the members of their community that need it the most,” says Girl Scout Troop 42025 Co-leader Kim Senko.

Savannah Meyer worked with the Genesee County Animal Shelter, she reached out to them to see what items were of need, as she has a genuine love of animals and wanted to help them. She created a donation drive and had many donations of needed items to take to the shelter, she painted an adorable storage cubby to hold and organize donations, she also researched how to make animal beds and made several animal beds to take to the shelter.(Provided information)

(Submitted photos/above)(Diane Kutter)
Dianna Kutter worked with the Ronald McDonald House, she placed several containers in various businesses within the community asking for pop tops to be donated to the Ronald McDonald house, she checked her donations and kept track of the tops. She reached out to the community for needed items for the Ronald McDonald house, she created care packages to be dispersed to families staying at the Ronald McDonald house, as well as gift cards for needs. She also created many inspirational message stones that she placed in the gardens surrounding Ronald McDonald house. Dianna has a genuine desire to help people that are facing challenging times and wanted desperately to do her part to make a difference in their life.(submitted information)
“I am so very proud of each of my girls, they have met all the requirements to successfully achieve there silver award and the experience has made each of them more self confident, and eager to be active in there community, and take the necessary steps to make a difference in the lives of others,” says Girl Scout Troop 42025 Leader Julie Beach.