- Alabama (47)
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- Attica (90)
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- Bliss (3)
- Bowling Scores (1)
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- Byron (85)
- Byron Bergen (12)
- Cal-Mum (3)
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- Castile (30)
- Chili (1)
- City of Batavia (63)
- Clarence (1)
- Clarendon (7)
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- Covington (13)
- Cowlesville (4)
- Dansville (2)
- Darien (78)
- Darien Center (7)
- East Bethany (2)
- East Pembroke (10)
- East Pembroke (11)
- East Shelby (2)
- Elba (58)
- Erie County (1)
- Fillmore (1)
- Gaines (8)
- Gainesville (16)
- GENESEE (58)
- Genesee County (3,605)
- Genesee Falls (9)
- Geneseo (1)
- Gennesse County (17)
- GLOW region (9)
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- Indian Falls (1)
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- Letchworth (12)
- Livingston County (8)
- Livonia (1)
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- Machias (2)
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- Medina (26)
- Middlebury (6)
- Millville (1)
- Monroe County (2)
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- Mt. Morris (1)
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- North Java (3)
- NY (11)
- NYS (89)
- Oakfield (57)
- Oakfield-Alabama (32)
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- Perry (127)
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- Shelby (6)
- Sheldon (22)
- Silver Lake (1)
- Silver Springs (8)
- Stafford (165)
- Strykersville (1)
- Syracuse (1)
- Town of Batavia (198)
- Town of Eagle (4)
- Town Of Gaines (1)
- Town of Murray (7)
- Town of Yates (1)
- Uncategorized (1,047)
- Varysburg (6)
- Warsaw (78)
- Wethersfield (6)
- WNY (232)
- Wyoming (36)
- Wyoming County (1,634)
- York (1)
Who knew the sheriff in the court was there to shake his head as the Judge speaks and text his buddies from the courtroom.
Who knew the sheriff in the court was there to shake his head as the Judge spoke and text his buddies from the courtroom.