On December 26, 2021 the Genesee County Dispatch Center received a 911 call for a report of a detached garage on fire in the Town of Stafford on Main Road, between Roanoke and Transit Road.
Sheriff deputies responded after the Stafford Fire Department encountered an uncooperative male on scene at the fire.
When deputies arrived, they attempted to make contact with the male who was now barricaded in the detached garage.
The male alleged that the garage was equipped with explosives and that they would detonate if approached.
Additional deputies, NYS Police, and DEC officers responded to the scene.
Rt. 5/Main Road, was closed to pedestrian traffic and neighbors in the area were evacuated.
The City of Batavia Emergency Response Team which includes members of the Sheriff’s Office and City of Batavia Police Department, responded along with a negotiating team from both agencies.
The male subject was taken into custody and criminal charges are pending.
At this time, there is no threat to the general public.