Press release
On Monday February 21, 2022, at 6:34 pm the City of Batavia Fire Department responded to reported smoke from a house at 167 Vine St. in the City of Batavia. Initial fire units arrived at 6:38 pm to find smoke emanating from a one-story, single-family home. One occupant of the home was assisted to safety by City of Batavia PD and neighbors upon FD arrival. Fire crews entered the home to find a large volume of smoke throughout with fire in the basement. Crews had difficulty locating the fire due to its location in the basement. The fire was placed under control at 7:32 pm. Extensive fire and smoke damage was caused to the structure and contents.
Two civilian injuries were reported, however both refused transport to the hospital. No firefighter injuries were reported.

The cause of the fire is under investigation by City of Batavia Fire Department fire investigators.
The City of Batavia Fire Department was assisted by the City of Batavia Police, City of Batavia Bureau of Inspections, Town of Batavia FD, Alexander FD, LeRoy FD, Genesee County Emergency Dispatch Center and Emergency Management Office, Mercy EMS (as well as an ambulance from the FEMA deployment to the area), National Grid and National Fuel.