Link to their Facebook page below:
(4) Batavia Total Nutrition | Facebook

Batavia Total Nutrition has officially opened and offers nutritious meals at the same speed as fast food.
“It’s an in and out type thing, people come in and grab their drink, we talk to them about what we have to offer, and they leave. They’re on the go and on their lunch break,” says Marc Cordes, Co-owner.

Marc says the idea started when his wife Lauren had surgery a few years ago and couldn’t eat anything but protein shakes for a while.
“If you have ever had any of these protein shakes, they don’t taste very good,” says Marc.
After speaking with some people about alternatives to protein shakes, they discovered Herbalife products. However, the Cordes had to drive to Amherst, NY to purchase Herbalife products. Lauren continued on using the products after her recovery from surgery.
“It tasted good, so we got to talking about it and there is nothing like this in Batavia, so we said why don’t we bring this to Batavia and see how it goes.”

The Cordes have been doing this for a year and tested the waters before they decided to get a store front location. The store is not part of a franchise, and the couple says they decide on how to run the business. Marc says they use Herbalife products in their storefront and are also an independent Herbalife member online.
Link to online site below:
Independent Herbalife Member | Welcome (
The store in the Valu Plaza in Batavia is open Monday-Friday 7am-5pm, Saturday- 8am-2pm and Sunday 9am-3pm.
“Don’t let the stigma of nutrition keep you from coming in here,” says Marc.
Eventually Batavia Total Nutrition plans to add delivery and will be offering meal programs made for each person specifically. They may also add more seating if they see customers wanting to hang out more.