Two apartments suffered damage and are unlivable after a fire in a second-floor apartment at an apartment building on Clinton Street in the Village of Warsaw on Tuesday afternoon.
(Submitted photo- Tammy Monahan Wright)
Fire crews from Warsaw, Perry Center, Silver Springs and Wyoming responded to 10 Clinton Street about 4:49p.m. after a call for a possible structure fire. According to Wyoming County Office of Emergency Services, the fire was contained to the second-floor apartment of origin. The apartment below the fire sustained water damage. The occupants of both apartments are staying with friends as their apartments are unlivable.

The building is owned by Ed Rutkowski/Warsaw Development & Storage. There are a total of 8 apartments in the building. The remainder of the tenants were allowed to return to their apartments after the blaze as the building was deemed safe.
The cause of the fire is accidental after a cooking stove burner was left on. Estimated damages are $15,000. No one was injured.
Also assisting on scene, Wyoming County Emergency Services and Warsaw Police. Fire crews were on scene for 2.5 hours.