Day: March 31, 2023
GV BOCES/Mount Morris Campus held a College & Career Fair with over 750 students in attendance

Press release/provided photos Over 750 local high school students had the opportunity to explore their career options at the College and Career Fair held at the Mount Morris Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center. The fair included military branches, colleges, unions, and local businesses with over 60 tables for students …
GENESEE COUNTY/Chamber announces expanded Barn Quilt Trail of LeRoy featuring over 100 hand-painted Barn Quilts in and around LeRoy, NY
GENESEE COUNTY/Independent Living of the Genesee Region welcomes Sally Waldron as an Open Doors Transition Specialist

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) is pleased that Sally Waldron has joined their team in the role of Open Doors Transition Specialist. In this position, she will assist individuals in their re-entry from institutional settings to the community, by facilitating and coordinating comprehensive plans for them to function in society once more. Press release …
GENESEE COUNTY/Community Solar Project moves forward in Byron
GSPP Route 262, LLC would add 5 megawatts of renewable energy in Byron Press release BATAVIA, NY – The Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) board of directors accepted GSPP Route 262, LLC’s initial resolution to construct a 5 MW (AC) community solar project in the town of Byron at …