Kyle J. Schroeder, 26, of Clinton Street Road, Batavia, NY, was arrested on four bench warrants issued by Batavia City Court. On 4/3/23 Officer Freeman arrested Schroeder on four bench warrants issued by Batavia City Court. Schroeder was arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Part Court and held. The bench warrants stem from four separate incidents as follows:
-On 4/23/22, Schroeder is alleged to have entered a residence on Liberty Street wherein he stole a pack of cigarettes. He was arrested on 4/25/22 and issued an appearance ticket.
-On 4/29/22 Schroeder was arrested for DWI Drugs and Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance Seventh. He was arraigned in Batavia City Court and released.
-On 8/25/22 patrols were called to a check the welfare of a subject “tweaking out” behind a business on East Main Street. The subject was identified as Schroeder and arrested on bench warrants for failing to appear on the previous two arrests. Schroeder was also charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance seventh after he was allegedly found to possess narcotics and drug paraphernalia during this arrest. Schroeder was arraigned in Batavia City Court and released.
-On 10/20/22 Schroeder was arrested for criminal mischief while at court on another matter. Schroeder allegedly kicked and damaged an electrical lock box on the exterior of a business on Jackson Street so that he could charge a cell phone. He was arraigned and released under the supervision of Genesee Justice.
-On 1/28/23 Schroeder was arrested on failure to appear warrants for all above arrests. He was arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Part Court, status unknown.
-On 3/22/23 Schroeder was again arrested on bench warrants for failing to appear on all above arrests. He was again arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Part Court, status unknown.

Josia G. Culver,18, of Tracy Avenue, Batavia, NY, is charged with burglary 3rd degree, criminal mischief 3rd degree, and petit larceny. On 4/13/23, Det. Ivison arrested Culver for the above charges after an investigation into a burglary at a business located in the mall. It is alleged that Culver forced entry, causing damage, and stole money. Culver was arraigned in Batavia City Court and released under the supervision of Genesee Justice. Culver is scheduled to reappear in Batavia City Court on 5/11/23 at 1:30p.m.

Shawnna L. Lamont, 33, of Page Road, Perry, NY, was arrested on an arrest warrant. On 04/10/2023, Officer Moscicki arrested Lamont on an arrest warrant out of Batavia City Court for failing to appear. Lamont failed to appear after being issued an appearance ticket for criminal possession of a controlled substance in the fifth degree, which stemmed from a traffic stop on E. Main Street on 2/19/2023 where it is alleged Lamont possessed narcotics. Lamont was arraigned in Batavia City Court and is to re-appear in Batavia City Court on 5/10/2023 at 1:00p.m.

Rosemary R. Waters, 37, homeless, was arrested on two warrants issued by Batavia City Court. On 4/07/23, Officer Freeman arrested Waters at the Genesee County Jail on two warrants issued by Batavia City Court. The warrants stem from two incidents. The first incident occurred on 8/17/2021 at a hotel on Oak Street, where Waters was arrested on an unrelated warrant. As part of the arrest, narcotics, a modified fully automatic 9mm pistol and a 40 round magazine were recovered. Waters was released prior to the return of lab work and an arrest warrant was issued. The second incident occurred on 7/30/22. It is alleged that Waters was a passenger in a vehicle during a traffic stop on Mix Place in Batavia. Waters provided a false name and was released. Narcotics and a modified short barrel shotgun were later located in the vehicle. Subsequently, an arrest warrant was issued. Waters was arraigned in Centralized Arraignment Part Court and released.

Breanna E. Brummond, 32, of Limekiln Road, Lyons, NY, was arrested on two bench warrant issued by Batavia City Court. On 4/05/23, Officer Rissinger arrested Brummond on two warrants issued by Batavia City Court for failing to appear on appearance tickets. Brummond was held at the Genesee County Jail to await Centralized Arraignment Part Court. Status unknown.
The two incidents were detailed in a press release on 2/14/23: (Previously-Brittany L. Hollaert, 26, of St. Paul Street Rochester, NY, and Breanna Brummond, 32, of Lexington Avenue, Rochester, NY are charged with criminal trespass 3rd degree. – On 2/3/23, two females led GCSO deputies on a brief pursuit in a U-Haul van after an incident in the Town of Batavia before the pursuit was ultimately terminated. The van was located abandoned on Pickthorn Drive in the City of Batavia a short time later by Officer Quider, at which time K9 Batu was deployed to assist in locating the suspects. The search continued to the area of Burke Drive where it was believed that the suspects went into a residence. A short time later, the Batavia Police Department was advised that the suspects were invited inside a residence for a brief time to warm up before allegedly fleeing from the residence with coats that belonged to the homeowner. K9 Batu was re-deployed and the search continued. The suspects were allegedly located in a shed behind a residence on Genesee Street. The two females, identified as Brittany Hollaert and Breanna Brummond, both of Rochester, were taken into custody without further incident. While being taken into custody, it was learned that one of the suspects had taken a set of car keys while inside the residence on Burke Drive and attempted to steal the homeowner’s car. The pair were arrested and charged with criminal trespass 3rd degree, attempted grand larceny 4th degree of a motor vehicle, and petit larceny. The pair were issued appearance tickets and scheduled to appear in Batavia City Court at a later date. The pair face additional charges out of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office for the incident in the Town of Batavia and for failing to yield.)
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: https://crimewatch.net/us/ny/genesee/batavia-pd/138661/post/arrest-releases-1