Multiple Police agencies from four counties are looking for suspects who are involved in the theft of three vehicles and one attempted theft in the Horseheads/Elmira area in the morning hours of May 8th, 2023.
According to Sgt. Swarthout with State Police in Geneseo, a red BMW was involved in a pursuit with Livingston County Deputies and crossed county lines into Genesee County, when the vehicle went off the road into a ditch on Rt. 63 near Rt. 20. The suspect(s) fled the scene on foot. A perimeter was set up around the scene by the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department. NYS Police, LeRoy Police and ENCON are assisting on scene looking for the suspect(s). K-9’s from Genesee County and Monroe County are assisting along with NYS Police helicopter and drones.

The suspects involved are believed to be out of the Buffalo area. There could be up to 5 suspects involved. One suspect is in custody after crashing a Cadillac Escalade in Caledonia Mumford. A Jeep that was stolen in Avon managed to get away, traveling Rt. 390 to Rt. 590 into Rochester, according to Sgt. Swarthout. There was also an unsuccessful attempt to steal a Bentley.
To prevent vehicle thefts, Sgt. Swarthout advises residents to lock their vehicles while in their driveway and garage and do not leave your keys anywhere near your vehicle.
Anyone with information can contact NYS Police/Troop A at 585-344-6200.

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