Press release
As Memorial Day weekend approaches and the unofficial start to summer begins, more motorists are
taking to our roadways. The Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office is urging everyone to buckle up, this
includes proper child safety seat usage as well.
Starting May 22th –June 4th the Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office will be participating in the Click it or
Ticket Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization, also known as Buckle Up New York (BUNY). New York is
among several States participating in a Border to Border enforcement campaign which cracks down on
motorists who are not belted. Targeted enforcement will be between 6 AM and 8 PM and will consist
of roving patrols along with possible checkpoints. The Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office may
participate in checkpoints alongside the New York State Police and other local law enforcement
agencies within Wyoming County. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states
that in 2021, 66% of the 26,325 passenger-vehicle occupants killed in crashes nationwide were men.
Men also wear their seat belts at a lower rate than women do—54% of men killed in crashes were
unrestrained, compared to 42% of women killed in crashes.
Under New York State Law:
- As of November 1, 2020, New York State now requires all passengers to buckle up regardless of
where they sit in the vehicle – including drivers and all passengers. - All children under the age of 2 must ride in a rear-facing child safety seat. All children under the age
of 4 ride in child safety seats. All children ride in child restraint systems until their 8th birthday. - A vehicle’s safety belt is NOT a child restraint system.
- Children riding in booster seats must be secured with a combination lap/shoulder seat belt (NEVER
secure a child in a booster seat with only a lap belt).
Link to NYS DMV for full information on safety seatshttps://dmv.ny.gov/more-info/safety-restraint