Father Ivan Trujillo and Father Bob Waters each held their last mass at Resurrection Parish on Sunday morning after their many years of dedicated service to the community.
“We wish them both nothing but blessings in their retirement,” said parishioners in the weekly bulletin.

Music Director Mark Hoerbelt says he and Father Ivan have served together for 24 years, doing a total of 2500 masses together. Father Ivan has served the Batavia area for 36 years.
First as an assistant at St. Mary’s in Batavia in the late 80s, and then after St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s merged, he became pastor of the combined church families in 2008, rebranded as Resurrection Parish.
Trujillo, who is from Bolivia, spent most of his life working with the poor and migrant workers, while also assisting with those who are sick or hospitalized.

“We are grateful and thankful for all of your years of priestly service not only here at Resurrection Parish but in the Diocese of Buffalo throughout the years of your vocation to priestly ministry,” the people of Resurrection Parish said in the weekly bulletin.
According to the bulletin, as of June 5th, the head of the Family of Parishes in Batavia will be Rev. Matthew Zimheld with Father Scott Stone and Father Brentwood.
VIDEO-Mark Hoerbelt-Music Director/Resurrection Parish-a thank you to Father Ivan.

Pastor Ivan Trujillo(center) with Deacons Todd Bowman(left) and Henry Moscicki (right) after mass today at St. Joseph’s Church in Batavia on June 4, 2023.
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