A Concept Plan to move the current Burger King, located at 230 West Main Street to the corner of West Main and S. Lyon Street, was presented to the City of Batavia Planning and Development Committee for review during a regular meeting this past week.
The Concept Plan Review was presented on behalf of Carrols Corp.
The proposed plan would result in the merging of several parcels, minor subdivisions, demolition of existing buildings, and construction of a Burger King restaurant with a drive-thru service at 301-305 West Main Street, 307 West Main Street, 4 South Lyon Street and a portion of 6 South Lyon Street.

If approved, the new Burger King will replace and relocate the existing Burger King located at 230 West Main Street. The new project site at West Main and S. Lyon Streets is zoned C-2-General Commercial, and the proposed use of a restaurant is a permitted use, however the drive-thru requires a special use permit according to a letter provided to the committee.

A final site plan has not been submitted and the proposal was made to the Planning and Development Committee to get direction on the project before it is submitted.
The project would affect several businesses who are currently occupying the above listed addresses.
The next meeting of the Planning and Development Committee will be held on July 18th in the City Council Board Room at City Centre at 6:00p.m.

Corner or West Main and S. Lyon Streets

6 S. Lyon Street looking towards W. Main Street

307 West Main Street