Over 150 people helped raise money for Special Olympics of WNY during the 4th Annual Polar Plunge at John Kennedy Intermediate School late Friday afternoon. Employees from the Batavia City School District, New York State Troopers, Batavia Police Department, the City of Batavia Fire Department, the Blue Devil Varsity Football Team, along with organizers Eric and Krista Knapp. Krista is a teacher and Eric is a counselor at John Kennedy Intermediate.

In 2023, BCSD was the leading fundraising school district, and the Special Olympics of Western New York, this year they are in second place behind Irondequoit. Team Blue Devil has raised $10,135 and Irondequoit has raised $12,024.
Link below:
2024 Rochester Polar Plunge : Batavia Blue Devils – Special Olympics New York (nyso.org)