Matthew O. Bader, 41, and Jennifer M. Shaffer, 41, both of Batavia, NY, were both arrested in regard to several cases in the City of Batavia. It’s alleged that Bader stole the tip jar from Southside Deli. He was charged with Petit Larceny. He is also accused of stealing a credit card out of a vehicle and using the card at several local businesses. In that case, he is charged with Burglary 3rd degree, Identity Theft 3rd degree, Grand Larceny 4th degree, Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 4th degree, and Petit Larceny. He is also accused in another case of stealing a wallet out of a vehicle and using the stolen credit card at several local businesses. In that case he is charged with Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 3rd degree, Grand Larceny 4th degree, Unlawful Possession of Personal Identification 3rd degree, Identity Theft 3rd degree, and Conspiracy 5th degree. Shaffer is charged with Identity Theft 3rd degree, Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 4th degree, and Conspiracy 5th degree in that case. Bader also had a warrant out of South Carolina. He was arraigned as a Fugitive from Justice and remanded to the Genesee County Jail.

On 4/1/2024, Cody A. Bush, 38, of Batavia, NY, was arrested and charged with Attempted Assault 2nd degree, Aggravated Family Offense, Unlawful Imprisonment 1st degree, Assault 3rd degree, and Obstructing Governmental Administration 2nd degree. Bush was charged after an investigation into an incident that occurred on 2/25/2024, when he allegedly struck another person numerous times during an altercation at a residence on Columbia Avenue. He also allegedly refused to let the victim leave a second-floor room, causing the victim to jump out of the window to get away from him, resulting in serious physical injury. Bush was arraigned in Batavia City Court and remanded to the Genesee County Jail. He is due back in court on 4/17/2024.

On 4/9/2024, Christopher D. Bisig, 37, of Batavia, NY, was arrested and charged with Sex Offender Failure to Report Internet Identifiers within 10 Days. Bisig, who is a level 3 sex offender, allegedly failed to register two internet identifiers, pertaining to social media accounts. He was arraigned in Batavia City Court and is being held at the Genesee County Jail.
On 4/5/2024, Robert L. Drennen Sr., 42, of Batavia, NY, was arrested on an arrest warrant. Drennen was initially charged on 9/6/2023 with Driving while Ability Impaired by Alcohol and Drinking Alcohol in a Motor Vehicle. He was issued appearance tickets and released but failed to appear in court. He was arraigned in Batavia City Court and released on his own recognizance. He is due back in court on 4/25/2024.
On 3/27/2024, Marcus A. King, 22, of Webster, NY, was arrested on an arrest warrant. King was initially arrested on 11/6/2023 and charged with Harassment 2nd degree after allegedly striking another person in the face during an altercation on Pearl Street. The warrant was issued after he failed to appear in court. King was arraigned in Batavia City Court and released. He is due back in court on 4/17/2024.
On 3/27/2024, Evan J. Vanskiver, 32, of Hamlin, NY, was arrested and charged with Bail Jumping 2nd degree. It’s alleged that Vanskiver had been released on another charge but failed to appear in court on the scheduled date, or within thirty days after. He was arraigned in Batavia City Court and remanded to the Genesee County Jail without bail. He is due back in court, on 5/1/2024.
On 3/26/2023, Jennifer L. Elmore, 52, of Batavia, NY, was arrested and charged with Harassment 2nd degree. It’s alleged that Elmore engaged in a course of conduct with the intent to alarm, or seriously annoy another person. Elmore is accused of repeatedly standing outside of the victim’s house and yelling at the victim and writing profanities on the sidewalk in front of the victim’s residence. She was issued an appearance ticket and is due in Batavia City Court on 4/9/2024.
On 4/6/2024, Jennifer K. Freeman, 40, of Batavia, NY, was arrested on three bench warrants. All three warrants were issued after she failed to appear in court. Freeman was arraigned in CAP Court and is due in Batavia City Court at a later date.
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: https://crimewatch.net/us/ny/genesee/batavia-pd/138661/post/press-releases-4122024
Hey when you live in a state that’s soft on crime guess what? You’re gonna have a LOT of it…welcome to NY.