Nicole Tuohey holding the presentation check for the Have A Heart fundraiser for ARC GLOW/Provided photo
Press release
Medina – Case-Nic Cookies’ 6th Annual Have a Heart Cookie Sale and window raffle set a record this year with over $3,200 raised to benefit Arc GLOW.
Held annually during March, the benefit is in recognition of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Case-Nic Cookies owner Mary Lou Tuohey and her daughter Nicole are the driving force behind the fundraiser.
The Tuoheys started this event in 2019 as a way to give back and support Arc’s programs and services. It’s their way of recognizing the amazing impact Arc services have had on Nicole’s life, and the lives of so many others across the GLOW region.
Cookie sales in 2024 totaled $2,370, the window raffle raised $810, and bracelets made by Nicole brought in an additional $88, resulting in the overall tally of $3,268.
“That’s a lot of cookies, and a tremendous amount of community support,” said Lisa Bors, Arc GLOW’s Director of Public Relations. “We researched how much has been raised in this effort since 2019, and came up with an impressive $12,260 for Arc GLOW. We are thankful for Nicole, Mary Lou and Case-Nic’s faithful customers.”
Nicole was born with Triple X Syndrome and doctors told her parents at her three-week checkup that she might never walk, talk, read, write or do math. Now in her mid-30s, Nicole has done all of what the doctors said she wouldn’t do and more: dance lessons, baseball, bowling, horse riding, swimming and bicycling.
“Because of what the doctor said, we were determined — and she has been determined — she would not be labeled,” Mary Lou said. “Labels are for soup cans, not for people.”
Nicole started receiving services from the Arc since she was a baby. Now, as an adult, she attends Arc GLOW’s Washington Street Day Hab program in Albion. Besides helping raise funds for Arc GLOW, the Tuoheys are also big supporters of another charity close to their heart, the Alzheimer’s Association.
“We love to give back to organizations that have such personal meaning to our family,” Mary Lou said.
As determined by Mary Lou and Nicole, funds raised will benefit programs spanning all areas served by Arc GLOW: Camp Rainbow in Lyndonville, Day Habilitation and Recreation programs in Genesee and Orleans Counties, and Arc GLOW’s KidStart in Mount Morris.