The Genesee County Farm Bureau had the perfect weather day for some Kinderfarmin’ at Hildene Farms in Pavilion on Wednesday.
Every school district in Genesee County sent their kindergarten students to the working dairy farm located on Roanoke Road. Attica Central Schools also participated.

Over 650 students spent the day on the farm, stopping at learning stations and going on a guided tour which explained the process of milking 1100 cows a day. Each cow at Hildene Farms provides 11 gallons of milk per day.

“It’s a great opportunity to get all of the county kindergarteners here, they love coming to see the dairy cows and understanding where their food is coming from, but it’s also a great opportunity for us to engage with the parents and teachers. It’s a learning experience for them too,” says Danielle Cummins, Committee Member/Kinderfarmin’

Students learned about the process that goes into making dairy products like milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and ice cream. Thanks to many local sponsors, students were able to have the experience free of charge.
For the next three years, Kinderfarmin’ will be held at Post Farms which is located in Oakfield.