David Compton with Darlene Janes (left) and Sara Lewinski (right) at the Attica Take Down 2 on Saturday afternoon, which was a fundraiser this year. Take Down Tree Services and Takedown K-9 Protection are spearheading the creation of an event center in Veteran’s Memorial Park.

Attica Take Down 2 at Veteran’s Memorial Park on Saturday
“It was a success last year, so we said let’s do it again this year but raising money for the Take Down Event Center,” says Compton.
Compton says he started looking into the event center idea after last year’s Attica Take Down MMA event. He says he loves the Attica community and wants to give kids a place to go and the community a place for events.
“You see more and more kids, there not doing anything. Me, I was playing hockey, playing basketball you get out and do stuff. I think if we get this event center up and going, it’s going to have an ice rink in it, you’re going to be able to do all kinds of different things. I have a granddaughter now and its why I’m doing it, this is for the kids’ future.”

Attica Take Down 2 at Veteran’s Memorial Park on Saturday
Compton says the venue will be large enough for MMA Fights, concerts and any other activities like a farmers’ market, youth sports and the German Fest.
“We have a lot of people and different companies coming on board with us. Last year, I went to the Village Board, and I told them if it was unanimous I would keep going, if it wasn’t unanimous, I would just go home. It was unanimous so we kept going with it.”

Rendering created by Jada Joy Flores
Compton says things started moving a little faster over this past winter when they started planning for the Attica Take Down 2 and raising funds through that event and after Compton’s daughter Jada Joy Flores created renderings.
“This is a community thing; I think there is enough interest in it, and everybody is starting to see what we have been thinking about. Really, what we want to do is start raising money so we can get an LLC going and then try and get grant writers on board, architects, engineers, anybody that wants to come on board with what we’re doing is more than welcome.”

Link to donate to the project below: