OK, you’re back at the lanes to start another league bowling season and you’re not sure if the bowling ball(s) in your bag will provide the best chance to maximize your skill level.
That’s when you need to think about building an arsenal – the military term hijacked by the bowling community to indicate the “weapons” at your disposal.
For league purposes, a bowler (at minimum) should have a three-ball arsenal consisting of an aggressive ball, a benchmark ball and a weaker ball.
Before selecting these balls, however, it would be wise to have your pro shop owner or the person who sets up and drills your bowling balls watch you to evaluate your style; to see if you are rev dominant, balanced or speed dominant.
Here’s a snapshot of the three aforementioned balls:
Aggressive – These predominantly reactive resin balls rev up or grab a bit faster and hook earlier on oily lane conditions and will help the speed dominant player match up better in that environment. Bowlers who impart a ton of revs at the release may not be able to use aggressive balls as much since they need the ball to skid before rolling and hooking.
Benchmark – This middle-of-the-road ball (usually reactive resin or hybrid) has a predictable motion for the “house shot” that exists in league competition. Think of it as your “go-to” ball. The coverstock of benchmark balls usually are solid (not pearl), and not too dull or shiny.
Weaker – This can have a solid cover but more often than not it is of the pearl or hybrid variety and is usually shiny. On dry lanes (as the oil dissipates), these balls travel down the lane farther before “snapping” at the back end. Rev dominant players can use weaker balls to their advantage due to the skid factor. Hybrid balls are a mix of reactive solid and reactive pearl.
Matching up to the lane conditions is essential to high scoring. Having at least three balls to choose from (and you may want to consider a plastic ball for spares) can make all the difference in the world when it comes to carrying those pesky corner pins.

The Copani family, from left, Ginny, Mary Grace, Sandy and Mike, greeted about 100 family and friends at Mancuso Bowling Center for a fundraiser in memory of Carmen Copani.
About 100 people gathered at Mancuso Bowling Center on Aug. 24 to celebrate the life of Carmen Copani, a longtime league bowler at the Batavia establishment who passed away last Oct. 3 at the age of 85.
Carmen and his wife, Sandy, moved to Florida seven years ago after spending their entire lives in Genesee County.
His son, Mike, who lives in Byron with his family, organized the bowling/basket raffle/silent auction fundraiser to benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, the charity of his mother’s choice. He said $600 was raised.
“My parents spent most of their lives here at Mancuso’s and I figured that this was the proper place for a benefit for dad,” Mike Copani said. “He still wanted to come back to Batavia, but my mom held him captive in Florida for the past seven years.”
Mike’s sisters, Ginny, who also lives in Florida, and Mary Grace, who resides in Texas, also were on hand to greet family members and friends.
Sandy, a former women’s classic league bowler, continues to bowl three times a week in Florida, where she coaches youth bowlers – something she has done for 50 years. She said her family has grown to include nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Albion Central School is one of 13 schools and/or school districts nationwide selected to receive Bowler’s Ed kits and curriculum information through the International Bowling Campus Youth Development’s grant program, the IBCYD announced recently.
The local district now will be able to introduce students to bowling as part of its physical education course.
In a press release, Sara Koppenhaver, a phys. ed. teacher at Albion, said, “One of the biggest things we are looking forward to is the opportunity to not only use the equipment as part of our elementary and middle school physical education curriculums, but also as part of our family engagement events at both buildings.”
“We are excited at the ability to host family bowling nights and help to connect our students and their family with our local bowling center.”
The grant to the Albion district was sponsored by the New York State Bowling Proprietors Association.
Each kit provides six sets of a carpeted mobile bowling lane, rubber bowling ball and plastic pins. A step-by-step curriculum and an instructional video on the fundamentals of bowling, which includes etiquette, safety, scoring and fitness activities, is also provided in each kit.
Link below to scores for the week of September 3rd-7th
Pin Points/Bowling Scores-September 3rd-7th, 2024 – Video News Service
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