PERRY POLICE REPORT/Arrest made after large fight on Walnut Street

(Information from a provided press release)

Perry, NY – Chief Michael J. Grover reports the arrest of a Perry Resident following a large fight on Walnut Street involving 9 people.

On September 17th, 2024, The Perry Police Department responded to Walnut Street for a large fight in progress. Upon arriving on scene, parties were separated, and one female was transported to WCCH by the Perry Ambulance.

D’Angelo Gonzalez was arrested and charged with harassment 2nd degree after allegedly punching a female in the face.

Gonzalez was arraigned in the Perry Village Court by Judge Wolcott. He was issued a refrain from order of protection and was released with a return to court date of 10/08/2024 in the Perry Village Court.

Officer Cross was assisted by the NYS police.


  1. D’Angelo was jumped by multiple people and acted out of self defense after they were all saying racial slurs towards him and threatening him and his girlfriend. They called him a “Ni–er” and told his girlfriend that she’s a “Ni–er lover.” He never punched a female in the face. He was being assaulted by 4 people at once and acted out of self defense. The woman claiming to be punched in the face, punched him in his face. All of this will be proven in court so stop trying to slander his name because he’s african american and you guys are biased. He had 4 people attacking him at once.

  2. That young man was called “Ni–er” and his girlfriend called a “Ni–er Lover” by the girlfriends father Darrin Bush, and it was also stated that they were going to jump him when he arrived home. When that young man D’Angelo Gonzalez arrive at his residence a large group of intoxicated people were waiting on him calling him racial slurs and Todd S. punched him in the face, D’Angelo was able to get Todd S. to the ground where he retrained him from hitting him, that’s when 3 men and 1 female Candace E. got on top of him punching him in the face, head and back. When D’Angelo was able to get free he was whaling his hands not to get hit anymore, that’s when the so called victim lost her balance and fell back onto the ground. That young man was in fear for his life ran to the front of the house to get away, when he was followed by some in the group to continue to attack him. The so called victim is no stranger to setting up people to get rob & attacked, as Candace E. is a convicted felon for robbery and a vicious assault that took place on January 28th 2019 where her victim had to have emergency surgery for his injuries. So who is the real victim Candace E. or D’Angelo Gonzalez who was targeted for the color of his skin, the real criminals are Candace E., Todd S. “who initially punch D’Angelo in the face” Nathan E. “Candace E. son” Darrin B. ” who called D’Angelo Gonzalez a “Ni–er and is own daughter a Ni–er Lover” Tonya B. and Catlin B. We want justice for the ambush of D’Angelo Gonzalez and the racial attack that was sought after because of the color of his skin…

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