Pictured from left to right standing: Arc GLOW Board of Directors President Cheryl Englert, Andrew Johnston, New York State Assemblyman Michael Norris, Nick Fuller, Greg Johnston, Tyler Nunnery, Duane Montgomery, Robert Greer, Orleans County Assistant District Attorney Susan Howard, Orleans County Clerk Nadine Hanlon. Kneeling in front left to right Arc GLOW Family Support Specialist Terry Kingdollar, Deb Avino, Katherine Anderson
Press release/provided photo
LYNDONVILLE — More than two decades ago, Jonathan Doherty participated in Camp Rainbow and recognized the need for campers to have seating options other than the ground. As a solution, he constructed six wooden benches for his Eagle Scout project.
Over the years, time and elements wore down the beautiful handcrafted benches. This year Arc GLOW replaced all six benches to ensure campers have a comfortable seat. Arc GLOW was awarded grants to help alleviate these expenses from the Medina Sandstone Society and Lyndonville Foundation. Doherty’s memory is honored as each bench is marked with a plaque honoring him and the foundation which made it possible. And on Saturday, a dedication was held in Doherty’s honor.
Self-advocates, Arc GLOW board members, funders, local representatives, staff and members of the Doherty family attended the dedication event.
“We at Self-Advocacy Association of New York State, both locally and statewide want to say how awesome we think it is that our friend Jonathan Doherty, a tireless self-advocate and friend of the people, is being honored today by fellow, self-advocates, supporters, and community members, for the work that he did while he was with us here,” said Michael P. Rogers, SANYS Regional Organizer (Western). “From working with others to get transportation in rural areas so that people with disabilities could get around, to just the everyday rights of people with disabilities, like himself. He would always check in to see what was going on.
“He was a tireless leader in his self-advocacy group at the time. Just an all-around great guy, who really worked to make life better for people. He was likable and approachable. Making sure that he contacted whoever was needed to make sure change happened.”
Doherty’s father explained how he came up with the initial idea for the project and successfully rallied support to finish the benches. In a February 2015 interview with Albion High School Alumni, Doherty mentioned, “I spent 18 seasons at Camp Rainbow with Arc and felt a strong desire to give back. During my time there, I realized there were limited outdoor seating options, so I decided to construct benches for my project.”
Those in attendance affixed memorial plaques to the benches to conclude the ceremony.
Doherty passed away May 5, 2022.