Video of meeting and public hearing-December 11, 2024
Byron Town Hall
December 11, 2024
1. Call to order/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Introductions
3. Public Hearing
a. Battery Energy Storage Law
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Unsafe Structure Contractor Quotes
6. Contractor Payments-Resolution
7. Recycling Agreement Quotes
8. Walkers Corners Bridge
9. Budget Modifications
10.Hosting Agreement
12.Addendum to Motion of No Confidence
13.Schedule Dates 2024 End of year, Fireman’s Contract and 2025
Organizational Meeting
- Abstracts/Vouchers
- Reports
a. Highway Superintendent
b. Town Clerk
c. Supervisor
d. Historical Society-De-accessioning Pottery
e. Parks Committee
f. Fire/EMS
h. Planning/ZBA
i. Communications
j. CERIC - Old Business
- Public Comments
- Adjourn
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town of Byron of the Town of Byron will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 7:00pm at 7028 Rte 237, Byron, New York 14422
Regarding a Local Law entitled, Local Law No. 2 of 2024- “Town of Byron Zoning Law – Battery Energy Storage System ”
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Byron recognizes that battery storage is an important component for grid reliability is supplementing intermittent sources of renewable energy and intends to accommodate the use of appropriately sited battery energy storage systems in the Town which are independent or ancillary to a new or existing electric generating facility, and WHEREAS, the Town of Byron’s current Zoning Law does not address Battery Energy Storage Systems, and WHEREAS, an amendment of the Town of Byron’s current zoning ordinance may be necessary to allow for the use of battery energy storage systems while meeting the objectives of the Town and its residents, and WHEREAS, consideration is warranted of a proposed local law to regulate the siting of battery energy storage systems in the Town of Byron to establish a plan for well-sited battery energy storage systems in order to protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of the community, and WHEREAS, Section 20, subsection 4 of New York State’s Municipal Home Rule Law allows for the introduction of a proposed local law by a member of a Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Byron hereby introduces the proposed “Town of Byron Zoning Law – Battery Energy Storage Systems,”