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Officer of the Year Award –

Sergeant Thomas A. Sanfratello has distinguished himself in the performance of service to the citizens of Genesee County during 2024.
In the early morning hours of March 10, 2024, Sergeant Sanfratello was working a special detail and responded to an incident involving unruly subjects at a business. Tragically, while escorting the subjects out of the business, he was attacked by the subjects and died during the struggle. Sergeant Sanfratello was a thirty-two-year member of the Sheriff’s Office, starting as a Dispatcher before becoming a Deputy Sheriff and later being promoted to Sergeant. Sergeant Sanfratello was in charge of the Civil Division and often instructed on civil practices at conferences throughout New York State and was very well respected in this capacity. He was a Field Training Officer and had the duty as the lead Sergeant at Darien Lake, coordinating the Sheriff’s Office efforts at concerts and events. Sergeant Sanfratello was also generous with the community as shown by his organization of Shop With a Cop and always keeping his own supply of Hot Wheels cars available to give to children who were in need of a kind gesture in difficult times.
Sergeant Thomas A. Sanfratello reflected great credit upon himself and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and most deserves to be named Officer of the Year.

Distinguished Service Award –
Jail Superintendent William A. Zipfel has distinguished himself as a member of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office for over 42 years.
Jail Superintendent Zipfel began his career on April 5, 1982, as a part-time Dog Control Officer. He has held the positions of Correction Officer, Senior Correction Officer and was appointed Jail Superintendent in 2014. During his tenure, he was the recipient of a Distinguished Service Award, five Meritorious Awards, and five Commendations. Jail Superintendent Zipfel has distinguished himself through his dedication and commitment to the operations of the Genesee County Jail which can be seen through the amount of selfless time devoted to his position.
Jail Superintendent William A. Zipfel has reflected great credit upon himself and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.

Distinguished Service Award –
Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. has distinguished himself as a member of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office for over 47 years.
Sheriff Sheron began his career on June 4, 1977, as a Dispatcher and progressed through the ranks as a Deputy Sheriff, Sergeant, Investigator, Chief Deputy—Road Patrol, and Undersheriff for 21 years before being elected Sheriff in 2017. During his career, Sheriff Sheron was awarded Officer of the Year, two Meritorious Service awards for his consistent dedication in the performance of his duties and five Commendations. He was a founding member of the Genesee County Drug Task Force, was a hostage negotiator, field training officer, and was member of the crash management team. Sheriff Sheron has been a source of pride for the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.
Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. has reflected great credit upon himself and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.
1. The following are being recognized for their actions and invaluable support and assistance during and after the critical, physical incident involving our fallen officer, Sergeant Thomas A. Sanfratello, on March 10, 2024. These recipients are to be commended for their courage and willingness to quickly take action during this critical incident, demonstrating their commitment to the safety and well-being of others. Their actions reflect the highest standards of bravery and responsibility, and we are deeply grateful for their efforts.

City of Batavia Police Department

Batavia Downs Security Guards: Alex Marcello, Brayden Basch, Mary Hallenbeck, Nicholas Licata, Cameron Brownell

Patrons: David Reamsnyder, David Reamsnyder, Jr, Damon Tilbe, Kimberly Schreiner

2. Correction Officer Anita H. Ortiz

3. Correction Officer Tylin A. Torcello

4. Genesee Justice Case Manager Erin M. Martin

5. Genesee Justice Community Services/Victim Advocacy Gary D. DiSalvo

6. Genesee Justice Principal Clerk Sharon L. Burns

7. Public Safety Systems Manager Justin T. Allen

8. Barb Starowitz

9. John Bachulak

10. Village of Corfu Police Officer Tyler Lang

11. Deputy Commissioner of Public Works Paul Osborn

12. Assistant County Engineer Laura Wadhams-COA Jail Project
13. Pike Construction Assistant Project Manager Michelle Lipke
14. Emergency Services Dispatcher Shelby M. Turner
15. Dog Control Officer Sarah L. Fountain
16. Dog Control Officer Catherine D. Seward

Deputy Sheriff Chad P. Cummings 10 years
Emergency Services Dispatcher Samantha L. Ehrke 10 years
Investigator Joseph D. Loftus 10 years
Investigator David D. Moore 10 years
Sergeant Richard S. Schildwaster 10 years
Financial Management Assistant Tammy M. Schmidt 10 years
Senior Correction Officer James M. Smart 10 years
Correction Officer Kevin P. Thomas 10 years
Correction Officer Andrew D. Hurley 15 years

Chief Deputy of Criminal Investigation Division Joseph M. Graff 20 years

Emergency Services Dispatcher Stephen R. Smelski 20 years

Undersheriff Bradley D. Mazur 25 years

MERITORIOUS AWARDS: These employees have, for an extended period of time, performed in an exceptional manner worthy of special recognition.
Genesee Justice Program Coordinator Diana M. Prinzi 1st

Emergency Services Dispatcher Nathan L. Fix 1st

Sergeant Mathew J. Clor 1st

Program Coordinator Tracy L. Ranney 2nd
Correction Officer Brian M. Manley 2nd

Sergeant Andrew B. Hale 2nd

Investigator Ryan M. DeLong 2nd

Emergency Services Dispatcher Beth A. Hynes 3rd
COMMENDATIONS: These employees were recognized for their actions for a specific act, occasion, or
project that reflects courage, exceptional performance, and dedication to the Office and profession.
Investigator Kevin P. Forsyth 1st
Correction Officer Dani M. Stone 1st
Correction Officer John P. Garlock 1st

Emergency Services Dispatcher Justin M. Lewandowski 1st
Correction Officer Corey J. Cieszki 2nd
Deputy Sheriff Alexander R. Hadsall 2nd

Deputy Sheriff Jacob A. Kipler 2nd

Deputy Sheriff Ryan J. Mullen 2nd

Deputy Sheriff Mason S. Schultz 2nd

Emergency Services Dispatcher Shaylene S. Kilner 2nd

Principal Financial Clerk Deborah A. Shea 2nd
Correction Officer Dennis J. Bartholomew 3rd
Correction Officer Andrew D. Hurley 3rd

Investigator David D. Moore 4th
Deputy Sheriff Joshua A. Brabon 4th

Investigator Howard J. Carlson 5th

Senior Emergency Services Dispatcher Robert H. Tripp 10th