Donald Newton Sr. was honored for 55 years of service, he was also presented with a citation for his service from Assemblyman Steve Hawley at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church on Saturday January 11th.
Years of Service
20 Years-Dan Norway
25 Years-James Gayton, Steve Smelski, and David Winters
35 Years-Dale Lewter
55 Years Donald Newton Sr.
Video of Installation Dinner-January 11, 2025

Andrew Gayton and Kyle Rupp were named Firefighters of the Year with the department responding to a record 462 calls for 2024.
Fire Calls-17
EMS calls-354
hazardous Condition-13
Service Calls-25
Good Intent-33
False Alarms-20

The East Pembroke Fire Department was recognized for the most training hours by any department in Genesee County with 2,413-man hours and was also presented with a citation from Assemblyman Steve Hawley for 90 years of Service to the community.

Service Person of the Year-S & S Excavating and Blacktop

Top Responders for 2024
Donald Newton Jr.-271
Andrew Gayton-217
Julie Waldron-170
Joe Gibson-145
Sammy Domthongmivanh-145
Molly Chatley-142
Dale Lewter-129
Jenn Groff-122
James Gayton-121
Octavius Martin-121
Ken Marble-112
Dave Martin-106

Officers being sworn in by Genesee County Fire Coordinator Tim Yaeger
Chief-Donald Newton Jr
Deputy Chief- Charles Chatley
Assistant Chief- Andrew Martin
EMS Chief- Travis Dobrowski
Exterior Firematic Captain- Ken Marble
Firematic Lieutenant-Kyle Rupp
Fire Police Captain-Richard Groff
President-Ken Marble
Vice President- Patrick Galloway
Secretary-Andrew Gayton
Treasurer-Don Newton Sr.
Sgt. of Arms- Joe Gibson
Parade Marshall-Joe Gibson
Assistant Parade Marshall-Andrew Gayton
Chaplin- Pastor Bloom
James Gayton
Patrick Reeves
Kristi Humphrey
Kevin Gill
MaryAnne Chatley
Richard Groff
Andrew Martin
Charles Chatley
Kyle Rupp
Jennifer Groff