By Mike Pettinella
For Video News Service
(Update, Jan. 23: Brunelle this week stated that his company has decided not to build on Lewiston Road near the First United Methodist Church.)
The City of Batavia Planning & Development Committee has scheduled a “sketch plan review” to learn more about a proposal to construct a Byrne Dairy retail store and gas station at 606-622 East Main St. – previously the site of a garden/outdoor store and pet supplies store.
Currently, Sonbyrne Sales, Inc., owner of the Byrne Dairy franchise, is in the process of placing a store in the Town of Batavia on Route 63 near the First United Methodist Church.
The City PDC meeting is set for 6 p.m. Tuesday at the City Centre’s City Council Board Room.

According to a letter of intent from Christian Brunelle, senior executive vice president of Sonbyrne Sales, Inc., the 4,232-square-foot facility (46 feet wide by 92 feet long by 24 feet high) will feature wood frame construction with masonry siding and a metal roof. Porches will be attached to the north and east sides of the main building.
A freestanding fuel canopy (24 feet wide by 104 feet long) will have four fuel pumps with eight fueling positions. A secondary canopy for diesel fuel (24 feet wide by 42 feet long) will have three fuel pumps with six fueling positions.

Furthermore, the site will have two driveways – both off East Main Street. The store will operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, and will employee 25 or more full- and part-time workers.
The letter of intent goes on to state that an outside, screened dumpster enclosure will be used for trash and recycling removal, and LED and “dark sky” approved lighting will be use for all exterior site lighting and both fuel canopies’ lighting.

The site, which is owned by Andrew Mistler, currently is zoned for Industrial with a small portion zoned as Residential.
City Code Enforcement Officer Doug Randall, in a memo to PDC members, said the project would commence with the removal of the existing building.
He said the purpose of the “sketch plan review” is to familiarize the PDC with the proposal and to obtain direction prior to the final site plan submission.
Sonbyrne Sales, Inc., would be required to obtain an area variance under the city’s zoning code since the parcel is within 500 feet of the Whole Life Fitness building, which is considered “a place of public assembly.” A letter from Mistler indicates that he supports the area variance.

The town is too small for Two of these store. East side of town / city needed tractor supply to stay I can’t get bird feed , nuts and bolts on the east side of town but I there are Three gas stations.