STRIKE UPDATE/NYSCOPBA has met with Governor’s Office all day today, 30 facilities participate in protests on Wednesday

The scene across from the Attica Correctional Facility late Wednesday morning

Press release

Currently there are approximately 30 correctional facilities in which officers/sergeants are participating in either protesting current working conditions inside the prisons or refusing to enter for their scheduled shift.  There are several facilities that are not participating and are operating normally. 

NYSCOPBA has not sanctioned or condoned these actions. 

The leadership of NYSCOPBA met with DOCCS officials and representatives of the Governor’s Office yesterday morning to discuss the well documented concerns of the members that has led to the current situation.  

Negotiations with the State have continued throughout today between NYSCOPBA and the Governor’s Office towards a resolution.  I will update you on any progress or changes as they occur.

Two military type Hummers in the parking lot at Attica Correctional Facility on Wednesday afternoon

In regard to the National Guard, we are aware that the Governor has activated them, and they are on standby.  I am unaware of any deployment at this time and would refer you DOCCS for any other questions regarding utilizing the National Guard.  

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