The Batavia Players and the City of Batavia are close to a new lease deal. The current lease deal expired at the end of 2024.
The Attorney for the Batavia Players, Ted Graney, of Webster Szanyi LLP, Buffalo, told reporter Mike Pettinella the two sides are close to a new lease deal and the details will be discussed during Executive Session at Monday evening’s City Council Conference meeting which is scheduled for 7:00p.m.
“We’re definitely close,” says Graney.
“I don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves, but we’re definitely on the right track. It’s kind of up to City Council. We feel great about it and very optimistic that it’s going to get done.”
In an email response from City Manager Rachael Tabelski, the draft agreement is included in the agenda packet online. 250224_conference_agenda_0.pdf
In a letter to City Council, Tabelski recommends that City Council approve the lease agreement with Batavia Players after negotiating an acceptable lease.
“The premises includes 1 1,052 square feet of improved commercial space that was renovated by
Batavia Players though a Downtown Revitalization Initiative and Anchor grant, The lease is
commensurate with the lease that was entered into by the City of Batavia in December of 2019 with a
few additions.
Base rent will remain $4 per square foot to be paid $3,684 monthly. Back rent will be paid $500 per
month, or more until the balance is satisfied. The lease also recognizes the City’s capital projects for
the roof and HVAC units previously approved by City Council and clarifies how the Batavia Players
shall submit requests for maintenance to the property.
I recommend that the City Council of the City of Batavia consider approving the Batavia Players
commercial lease agreement.”
The term of the lease will be 60 months and end March 30, 2030.
According to a Resolution to be presented on Monday evening, the City attorney has reviewed and approved the lease agreement and agrees this may continue for approval
A call to Patrick Burk, President/executive/artistic director, at Batavia Players has not been returned.