Officers were sworn in by Deputy Director at Office of Emergency Management, Gary Patnode.
Line Officers
Chief- Christopher Strathearn
Deputy Chief- Robert Hunt
1st Assistant Chief-Joshua Boyle
2nd Assistant Chief-ClaytonGorski
Captain- Brian Bentley
Lieutenant- Tyler Stewart
Safety Officer-Paul Dibble

Firefighter of the Year-Captain Brian Bentley with Chief Christopher Strathearn
Total calls for 2024-500
Hazardous conditions-31
Service calls/standby-31
Good intent/investigations-30
Fire alarms-233

Top 3 Responders from left-Taylor Rivengurgh (229 calls), Aaron Cassick (308 calls) and James Bouton (311 calls)
Brian Bentley 184
Caiden Crist 176
Chris Strathearn 168
Clayton Gorski 143
Paul Dibble 141
Dwayne Fonda Jr. 122
Josh Boyle 121
Robert Hunt 115
Tom Marlowe 102
Total Training hours 5,081 compared to last year at 3675

President’s Award-presented to Dwayne Fonda Jr. by President Thomas Cunningham.
Years of Service
Robert Mullen-over 60 years
Gary Diegelman-51 years
David Morrill-25 years
Tom Cunningham and Dwayne Fonda Jr.-5 years

Video of awards ceremony
Corporate Officers
President-Thomas Cunningham
Vice President-Thomas Marlow
Secretary-Steve Coburn
Treasurer-Donald Koziol
Director- William Allen
Director Gary Diegelman
Director James Ward
Director Michael Buck
Director Paul Barrett

Deacon Henry Moscicki presented the Invocation and Benediction on Saturday evening